
Secure Your Discord: Verify Users, Block Alts, Bots & VPNs with Our Top Security Bot!


  • 🔒 Thorough User Verification: Verify users through a dedicated website.
  • 🚫 Alt Account Blocking: Effectively stop alt accounts from joining.
  • 🤖 Bot Account Detection: Automated banning of detected bots.
  • 🌐 VPN Detection: Block users connecting via VPNs.
  • 📢 Security Alerts: Receive security alerts (coming soon).
  • User-Friendly Process: Easy verification process for members.

How It Works

Our cutting-edge Discord bot enhances your server's security by thoroughly verifying users, stopping alt accounts, bot accounts, and users connecting via VPNs. Only genuine and quality members will join your community.

Simply run the /setup command and let the bot handle the rest. You can configure the channels as you like. While the bot requires extensive permissions for optimal operation, you can tweak the settings if you're discord-savvy. We're here to assist you with any adjustments to ensure seamless performance.

Get Started

To start using ProtectCord on your server, simply invite the bot using the button below:

Need help? Join our official Support Discord.